Seacroft Forest Garden
What is it?
Seacroft residents are growing a garden full of fruit and nut trees, fruit bushes, shrubs, herbs and vegetables, all of which can feed our community! All hands on deck to dig, mulch and plant!
Please note that the site is not get appropriate for young children due to health and safety risks. The garden is accessed via the ginnel between South Parkway and St James’ Approach. If using ‘What Three Words’ as map to find it, the garden’s words are: Tins, Eagle, Asking.
Please note that the site is not get appropriate for young children due to health and safety risks. The garden is accessed via the ginnel between South Parkway and St James’ Approach. If using ‘What Three Words’ as map to find it, the garden’s words are: Tins, Eagle, Asking.
Who’s organising?
Climate Action Seacroft
FIRST AND THIRD SUNDAYS, 10.30am to 12 noon, subject to volunteer availability. Please check the Forest Garden Facebook group for the latest information.
Age specific?
Age 18+
Book or drop in?
Drop in