Get Active

We all like being part of a team. Whatever your age, fitness level or experience, find an activity that gets you moving.

Autumn Cycling Activities

Autumn Cycling Activities

Encouraging Adults to Cycle through fixing bikes, teaching skills & leading bike rides at different venues around Seacroft. Come and join us

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Do you find going to the gym a struggle? Do you want to get fit and healthy ? Lets have some fun and laughter. Let's get ready to Zumba!

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Football League Training

Football League Training

A local resident-led, football league training session at Denis Healey Centre. This is for residents who have been regularly coming along to Saturday football fun, and are keen to up their involvement

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Saturday Football Fun

Saturday Football Fun

Learn new skills, drills and techniques and play local friendly matches. Come and discover your talent, celebrate your successes and enjoy the fun!

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Yorkshire Dance Youth

Yorkshire Dance Youth

Yorkshire Dance Youth are free weekly dance classes for young people aged 11 -19 who live in East Leeds. Our classes are taught by professional dancers, working together to create new routines.

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