
We all feel better with good food. Grab that extra ingredient, a cuppa with your friend or some extra ideas for meals at home.

The Feast

The Feast

Free after-school club for families: crafts, conversation and hot meal. Children must be accompanied by a parent.

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Foodcycle Leeds

Foodcycle Leeds

Foodcycle Leeds Seacroft serves a free, three course meal every Tuesday evening at Chapel FM. No referral needed

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Luncheon Club

Luncheon Club

A relaxed and friendly luncheon club including a hot and nutritious, 2 course meal. Includes a few games of bingo and a raffle!

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Energy Saving Cooking Course

Energy Saving Cooking Course

A 6 week cooking course for the whole family about helping you to find ways to cook healthy meals, using equipment and ingredients that are cheap and delicious!

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Family Prize Bingo

Family Prize Bingo

Join the infamous Seacroft Family Bingo hosted by SCOT. Great atmosphere, great prizes and a fun night for everyone!

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